One Day Workshop


    Led by Julia Dederer

    Have the REST of your life, be the BEST of your life!

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    You are invited to participate in this one day workshop, led by Julia Dederer, nationally known Coach and Workshop Facilitator with 35 years’ experience in personal development, for mature people who are asking themselves, "Now what?! Am I open, flexible, agile enough to meet and create new opportunities for myself? If not, what's holding me back? Fear? Regret? Things I'm not even aware of?" As we age, we tend to narrow our outlook for what is possible in our future. This way of thinking can start as early as 30 for millennials, but is certainly present for most of us as we approach retirement and beyond. Does living a full life have an expiration date? NO! Can we create a new path, a new community, a new way for our full self-expression at any age? YES! Please join us for a day of exploring and creating your own OPEN ROAD ahead - without time or age as constraints!

    For additional information, contact:
    Dr. Sherrie Allen - 310-994-2541

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    About Julia!

    Silicon Valley Executive Coach and Transformational Educator

    Julia Dederer is a Silicon Valley Executive Coach and workshop leader in personal development with more than 35 years of experience. For 30 years she worked with one of the foremost transformational education companies in the U.S. She holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and was a faculty member with the Global Women’s Leadership Network out of Santa Clara University. Julia is a passionate advocate for robust living at all stages of life. She is presently writing a book It’s an Open Road: Inventing Your Next 30 Years and delivering workshops by that same name. Listen to Julia discuss how she created the course with Jennifer Hill.

  • Register Now

    Start the Journey

    Los Angeles Open Road Workshop

    Los Angeles Open Road Workshop

    This day-long workshop offers the opportunity to invent the next thirty years with a new level of freedom and joy.
    Date: Saturday, March 16
    Time: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Lunch will be provided.)
    Where: The location in Los Angeles will be sent with your registration confirmation
    Completion Session online: Thursday, March 28 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
    Tuition: $295
    Coming soon